CHI SONO About me

MARZO March 2025

Beniamino Vizzini e Marianna Montaruli
Atelier LCDARTE - Libere Corrispondenze d'Arte
Via Bellini, 40 - 70037 Ruvo di Puglia (Bari) Italia
Via Manin, 28 - 70037 Ruvo di Puglia (Bari) Italia
cell. /whatsapp (+39) 348.277.43.11



I was born in Palermo, Italy the same year as Minima Moralia of Th. W. Adorno in Germany and The Man in Revolt of Albert Camus in France. 

I currently live in Puglia, Southern Italy. I am a convinced lover of the autonomy of art and my interests are concentrated, above all, on the periods of Italian humanistic-Renaissance art, modern Italian and French art, as well as the new avant-gardes with particular regard to Lettrism and Visual Poetry in the context of contemporary art. 

I have always conceived the practice of art criticism, according to the concept of Arthur Schopenhauer, as an activity that originates in the work of art, which has in itself the dynamic principle of exposing its truth. 

Finally, I decided to convert this my intimate passion into active commitment, properly, on the publishing side of communication around art and art history. 

With Mrs. Marianna Montaruli I founded and curate, as director, the art magazine TRACCE CAHIERS D'ART and the house publishing Edizioni d'arte Félix Fénéon from April 2003 to February 2021. Actually with my wife, I opened LIBERE CORRISPONDENZE D'ARTE - ATELIER LCDARTE online Art Editions and we are publishing eBooks, videos, illustrations and articles on Art.


Beniamino Vizzini "FÉLIX VALLOTTON e il senso del presagio", Atelier LCDARTE, Libere Corrispondenze d'Arte eBooks. Edizione in Italiano-Inglese

FEDE GALIZIA. Nature morte nella Pittura Barocca. Ciliegie in una fruttiera d’argento. Di Beniamino Vizzini, Atelier LCDARTE, Libere Corrispondenze d'Arte edizioni. Ebook Italiano-Inglese

I PAESAGGI DI CARLO CARRÀ. Un poema pieno di spazio e di sogno. Di Beniamino Vizzini. Libere Corrispondenze d'Arte - LCDARTE eBook Art Editions. Italiano - Inglese


Free ART Press online by Marianna Montaruli and Beniamino Vizzini - ITALY